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Simplified Pictures of Tai Chi Chuan Movements 4

Directions are given in terms of the 12 hours of the clovk. Begin by facing 12 o'clock , with 6 o'clock behind you, 9 o'clock at your left and 3 o'clock at your right. Thus a turn to 1 o'clock is one of 30o to the right and a turn to 1-2 o'clock is one of 45 du.

Series IV

Form 9 Single Whip

  1. Sit back and gradually shift weight onto left leg while turning toes of right foot inward. Meanwhile, turn body to the left (11 o'clock). Move both hands leftward with left hand on top, until left arm is extended at shoulder level, palm facing outward, and right hand is in front of left ribs, palm facing obliquely inward. Look at left hand (Fig. 81-82)
  2. Turn body to the right (1 o'clock), shifting weight gradually onto right leg. Draw left foot next to the side of the right and rest its toes on floor. At the same time, right hand makes an arc upward and around to the right until arm is at shoulder level. With right palm now turned outward and around to the right until arm is at shoulder level. With right palm now turned outward, bunch fingertips and turn them downward from wrist to form a " hooked hand", while left hand moves in an arc past abdomen and pauses in front of right hsoulder with palm facing inward. Look at left hand. (Figs 83-84)
  3. Turn body to the left (10 o'clock) stepping forward with left foot towars 8-0 o'clock . Bend left knee into a "bow step". While shifting weight onto left leg, totate left palm slowly and push it ahead with fingertips at eye level and elbow slightly bent, Look at left hand . (Figs 85-86)

Points to remember: Keep torso erect and waist relaxed. Right elbow should be bent slightly downward and left elbow should be bent slightly downward and left elbow placed directly above left knee. Lower shoulders. left palm turns as left hand is turned forward; do not turnit too quickly or abruptly. All transitional movements must be well coordinated. Face 8-9 o'clock in the final position.

Form 10 Wave Hands Like Clouds--Left Style

  1. Shift weight onto right leg and trun body gradually to the right (1-2o'clock), while turning toes of left foot inward. Left hand makes an arc past abdomen and pauses in front of right shoulder with palm turned obliquely inward. At the same time, open right hand and turn palm outward. look at left hand. (Figs. 87-89)
  2. Turn torso gradually to the left (10-11 o'clock) , shifting weight onto left leg. Left hand arcs past the face with palm turning slowly outword. Right hand makes an arc past abdomen and then upward to left shoulder with palm turned obliquely inwar. Meanwhile, bring right foot parallel to the side of the left foot and about 10-20 cm. apar. Look at rigt hand . (Figs 90-91)
  3. Turn torso gradually to the right (1-2 o'clock), shifting weight onto right leg. Right hand continues to move to te right side past the face, palm turned outward, while left hand makes an arc past abdomen and upward to shoulder level with palm turned outward, while left hand makes an arc past abdomen and upward to shoulder level with palm turned obliquely inward. Left foot then takes a side step. Look at left hand . (Figs. 92-94)
  4. Repeat movement in 2) . (Figs. 95-96)
  5. Repeat movement in3). (Figs 97-99)
  6. Repeat movement in 2). (Figs 100-101)

Points to remember: Lumbar region of the spine serves as the axis for body turns. Keep waist and hips relaxed and avoid sudden rises or falls of body position. Arm movement should be natural and circular and should follow that of the waist. The pace must be slow and even. Maintain balance when moving lower limbs. Eyes should follow hands when they mvoe past the face. Body in the final position faces 10-11 o'clock.

Form 11 Single Whip

  1. Turn torso to the right (1 o'clock). At the same time, right hand moves to the right and forms a hooked hand at a point slightly above shoulder level, while left hand makes an arc past abdomen and then upward to right shoulder with palm turned inward. Weight is shifted onto right leg, while toes of left foot rest on floor. Look at left hand. (Figs. 102-104)
  2. Movements are the same as in 3) of Form 9 . (Figs 105-106)

Points to remember: The same as those for Form 9. Face=8-9 o'clock in the final position.

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