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Classical Feng Shui

Classical Feng Shui Versus Popular Feng Shui Methods

The true essence of Feng Shui has unfortunately often been misrepresented since its introduction to the Western world some 10 to 15 years ago. It has been a time when the clever marketing of lucky charms that promise everything from health to wealth to the perfect relationship has gone relatively unchallenged. Pick up any two books or magazines and try to make sense of the information and you will understand that Feng Shui just isn't that simple.

Much of that sold under the banner of Feng Shui would be more accurately termed energy shifting, space clearing or even goal setting.

Popular Feng Shui includes information commonly available through books and magazines. It is what most people are familiar with. It encompasses relatively simple methods to create positive change in a person’s environment following some basic rules. Many of the “rules” of Popular Feng Shui are so flexible and so open to interpretation that confusion reigns for those attempting the do-it-yourself method as they move from book to book.

The techniques of Popular Feng Shui combine some traditional principles of Feng Shui with spirituality and psychology. They are derived from a school of thought that your environment (be it your home, business, or office) acts as a mirror of you and your life’s circumstances. Issues such as poor health, limited finances, or relationship difficulties can be linked to corresponding structural and energy imbalances in your surroundings. Results come from giving attention to your issues or concerns with the intention of creating positive change. While many of the techniques can be quite empowering and liberating, as focus and intent wanes, however, so too do the results.

Classical Feng Shui, also known as Authentic or Traditional Feng Shui has been used effectively by Feng Shui Masters for centuries. It involves a scientific, yet practical and common sense approach to the enhancement of success and good fortune to the occupants of home or building. It is both a science and an art. It can be considered a science because it relies heavily on the use of complex formulae and a specialised compass known as a Lo Pan. It is an art to be able to read the compass, to read the landscape and a building and apply these formulae. It takes time, patience, practise and an enormous amount of study to master the skills necessary to be a competent Feng Shui practitioner.

Classical Feng Shui methods take into account the more subtle aspects of time, direction, room location and room function and an individual’s resonance with various aspects of the building. Through Classical Feng Shui a practitioner recognises the power of the land and therefore the significant impact the external environment can have on a property and its occupants.

The power of Classical Feng Shui to support effortless change (without the need for lucky charms) needs to be experienced to be truly appreciated. This deeper level of the practice can bring profound and sustained personal change. It can bring luck (better luck if you are already lucky), a sense of having enough, harmony and balance. It can bring unexpected opportunities and chances for promotion and advancement. It can bring a deeper sense of who you are. Classical Feng Shui helps you to move with the currents of change over time and to reach your true potential. 

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